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Healed to Whole's Emotional Clarity Program is for people who are aware of an issue, or have an understanding of some kind of emotional block that they want to be free from. Are you ready to be committed to achieving results for greater well-being? It is for people who are not satisfied with some area of their life (such as relationships, career or health), that they have been working on for some time.

“It’s a miracle of sorts” – Brett K, (45, Yamba)

The Healed to Whole approach supports you with deepening in ways that may not have previously been acknowledged. Through the spontaneous access to a stored cell memory, you are guided to clear issues, behaviours, or habits, that prevent you from living your optimal life emotionally empowered.

The Emotional Clarity 3-month program includes a combination of processes and ongoing support to up level and optimise your emotional wellbeing over 12 weeks. The issues you determine that you want to face are fully cleared out, progressing through a stepped module that we co-design into a tailored solution just for you. Based on my lived experience of healing to wholeness, case studies and practitioner training, 12 weeks allows the immersive nature required to overcome stuck and buried blocks holding people back. 

“Sally held supportive and nurturing space so I could let go and get the most from my journey processes” – Kristy B (40, Sydney)

The Emotional Clarity program progresses through a range of techniques in collaboration with your set intention, goal or desired outcome. The 1:1 sessions include elicitation, guided introspections, mindfulness, exposure and acclamation therapy. You will have also have access to private group support, meditations and guides as additional resources to support your program.

The first session is always a little longer and includes two after-care follow up calls of support.  These calls are to check in, enquire on progress, offer advice and suggest next steps, if seen to be necessary.  The results depend on being as honest as possible and sharing all necessary information to support your well-being, and connect in with your own process, and results.

It is strongly recommended that you support your physical body after a session. Adequate sleep and conscious food intake are particularly important as is a self-loving night of rest, bath or shower and easy relations. It would also be good to allow yourself some quiet time immediately following your process.  This will allow your body and being to integrate the realisations that have been recognised during our session.

As many of the testimonials state, there are various benefits and results of clearing emotional blocks. While we do everything to support you during and after your sessions, we cannot be held responsible for your personal process work or any of its results. Your intrinsic accountability is required. 

Healed to Whole look forward to discussing if our program is a fit for you to overcome emotional intelligence issues and be empowered to live more optimally. 

CLICK now to connect on the next available FREE 20-minute consultation to decide if emotional clarity is your next step for a whole and fulfilling life.

With radiant love,

Sal x

    ©2020 ABN.85 142 384 717

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