Are you experiencing relationship, career, health or abundance challenges?
Emotional Empowerment Sessions set a clear pathway to freedom. Clearing emotional blocks of the past, that are a root cause of suffering, in a specifically chosen area of life that you identify you want to transform into freedom itself, is a courageous move.
Whatever area you identify could be centred on an emotional trauma from the past and wants clearing for emotional clarity. I will guide and hold you accountable throughout the session and in two follow up calls. Ultimately, your commitment to the sessions will have the greatest impact for outcomes, and you are responsible for the ultimate results.
Gaining emotional clarity is not for the faint-hearted. As you are here, you likely have seen a video of my story, or been referred by a friend or another client because of the results they received and believe will benefit you somehow.
The first step is a call to see if Emotional Empowerment Sessions are a fit. As these are highly tailored individual sessions with guided introspective processes that target your emotional bottlenecks require trust, it is important to know a little about you. The purpose for the call is to assess if you are ready for freedom and clarity, with your defined issue. I offer a money back guarantee, after the first session, if we agree that you have not found the Emotional Empowerment Sessions of benefit.
This quiz may help you to identify if the issue is emotional or mental health or some other wellbeing issue.
I do not offer Emotional Empowerment Sessions lightly, and I do not work with just anyone. In fact, I only take on eight (8) new clients per month. When we speak it will become clear if the approach and your resolver are a fit. I will only commit to support you in your emotional empowerment journey, with open-hearted guidance, as a champion for optimising your life, if you are fully committed.
Being Healed To Whole is to live with a knowing of purpose and the motivation and intention to live with authenticity in the present, every moment, no matter what life events show up. I have created an opening for extra clients in July, and am offering a one-off deal to prepare people for the global reset as we begin to undergo the new normal.
In the 200 + case studies I have done across many events of the past ten years (as well as my own personal healing journey and 12 step recovery being sober for 13 years), I've settled on a pathway that I feel confident is a game changer. For anyone who books an appointment with me before the 24th June becomes eligible for a bonus 3 day seminar that was the beginning of knowing I was healed to whole, along with Brandon Bays’ e:book The Journey.
So - drum roll - here it is:
1 x Process every 2 weeks in this order to be completed within 8 weeks:
1. Emotional Process
2. Physical Process
3. Abundance Process
6 x calls of support for 10 minutes each as touchpoints and check-ins between these so effectively weekly connecting opportunities.
The program progresses through a range of techniques in collaboration with your set intention, goal or desired outcome. The 1:1 session includes elicitation, guided introspections, mindfulness, exposure and acclamation therapy. Access to private group support along with meditations and guides as additional resources is included in the program.
As many of the reviews state there are various benefits and results of clearing emotional blocks. While we do everything to support you, during and after your sessions, we cannot be held responsible for your personal process work or any of its results. Your intrinsic accountability is required.
The Healed to Whole approach supports you with deepening in ways that may not have previously been acknowledged. Through the spontaneous access to a stored cell memory, you are guided to clear issues, behaviours, or habits, that prevent you from living your optimal life emotionally empowered.
The first session is always a little longer and includes two after-care follow up calls of support. These calls are to check in, enquire on progress, offer advice and suggest next steps, if seen to be necessary. The results depend on being as honest as possible and sharing all necessary information to support your well-being, and connect in with your own process, and results.
It is strongly recommended that you support your physical body after an Emotional Empowerment Session. Adequate sleep and conscious food intake are particularly important as is a self-loving night of rest, bath or shower and easy relations. It would also be good to allow yourself some quiet time immediately following your process. This will allow your body and being to integrate the realisations that have been recognised during our session.
I look forward to discussing if our program is a fit for you to overcome emotional intelligence issues and be empowered to live more optimally.
CLICK now to connect on the next available FREE 20-minute consultation to decide if emotional clarity is your next step for a whole and fulfilling life.
With radiant love,
Sal x